
What people are saying

Virtual Kaiwhakahaere

Grendon thank you for co-developing and leading our community based Level 3 Warehousing, Transport and Logistics program within the South Auckland Māori & Pasifika communities for the benefit of young adults not in employment, education or training. It was a rewarding experience bringing forth great outcomes in helping those that would otherwise have had very limted opportunities in life. So to see all those you and your team have worked tirelessly with attend our annual graduation ceremony, and receive their qualification certificates, was indeed a very memorable moment.

Margaret Doyle – Dean Business Faculty

Manukau Institute of Technology 

Virtual Kaiwhakahaere

Grendon was available promptly to support us with a complex process that required professional and efficient oversight. He did not disappoint, and provided us with a clear pathway of milestones needing to be  attained. He generated highly professional documentation and was effective and efficient throughout the entire project. We were able to place complete confidence in him, and his vast expertise guided us to reach the best possible outcomes for our organisation.

Tiny Deane – Chief Executive Officer

Visions of a Helping Hand Charitable Trust

Virtual Kaiwhakahaere

This level 4 security qualification is the largest training contract our company has ever entered into, so great work Grendon convincing us of its merits, and then setting it up so the training could be delivered on site, during work hours to all of the securtiy guards handpicked for this training.

Mike Moriarty - National Training Manager 

First Security Limited

Virtual Kaiwhakahaere

Grendon your understanding of the ministry of education’s machinery and your ability to communicate with all of our stakeholders, including our board of trustees, teachers, students, parents and ministry representatives, has helped us prepare our kura to enter into a new era of schooling. Nga mihi ki a koe.

Tony Holland – Principal

Te Kura O Te Teko

Virtual Kaiwhakahaere

On behalf of our board of trustees and myself we have enjoyed coming to know your integrity Grendon, driven by your valued principles, making you a quality project leader that leads by example, with an amazing ability to multi-task and manage many different spheres and somehow find ways to bring about cohesion, coalition, collaboration, and inclusion. We highly appreciate your ability to deliver so efficiently on everything set out for you to do for our organisation.

Malcolm Brown – Co-founder

Te Mana Pono O Te Rangatira Leadership Academy

Virtual Kaiwhakahaere

Grendon I cannot speak more highly of the professionalism and business acumen which you display. You have a keen sense of business trends and provide confident strategies and your extensive collaboration with our board of directors was deployed in a clear and unambiguous way, which built strong leadership expectations and an inclusive strategy for all who were involved.

Tony McKeown– Director

Coaching 4 Life Limited

Virtual Kaiwhakahaere

Grendon your ability to combine engaging narrative skills with clear analysis and highly-valid cultural linkages is quite exceptional, so it would be great to record the story you shared so memorably at out first workshop in Napier, for the national audience at the next sixteen workshops yet to be delivered.

Ann Dunphy – Chairperson

NZ Youth Mentoring Network

Virtual Kaiwhakahaere

Thank you Grendon for all your effort in helping our college identify how best to engage with our local young people to choose to train with us. The idea to create an emerging technologies short course introducing them to our college, campus, people, culture and other courses, has proven successful. We thank you also for assisting us with reshaping our bachelor’s degree in computer science so it better fits the current employer market requirement.

Bharat Guha – CEO

FutureCOL Hastings

Virtual Kaiwhakahaere

Thank you Grendon for your effort and support as Head of Learning & Development. Your influential communication style in our multi-cultural environment was both acknowledge and appreciated by our program heads and tutors. Your networks and reach into the community was instrumental in helping us grow our community based programs and your guidance and input into the revamping of our quality management system instigated the organisation-wide changes we wanted made.

Alan Peary – Principal

ATC Vision College

Virtual Kaiwhakahaere

Excellent contribution Grendon as a subject matter expert and driver for the development of a Certificate of Approval Security industry qualification. We appreciate your capability to bring together the highly qualified team to both set up and deliver the initial pilot program ahead of the scheduled national roll out.

Mike Hull – Northern Regional Manager


Virtual Kaiwhakahaere

Grendon you demonstrated a strong capability and effectiveness when establishing and maintaining good working relationships both internally and externally. Developing an excellent rapport with our critical stakeholders and being highly praised by them as being both refreshing and positive to work with. Your ability to drive initiative and implement strategies lead to increased program funding and the commencement of new course programmes, and much greater levels of support from our various funders.

Tamati Kruger – Chairman 

Anamata Private Teaching Establishment 

Virtual Kaiwhakahaere

Grendon your high level of professionalism and eye for the vocational training market has bought about significant growth to our organisation in just a short period of time. You have proven yourself to be a worthy addition to our executive team, and have lead by example from your first day with us. Thank you and keep up the great work!

Farzbod Taefi – Director

Skills Update Training Institute

Virtual Kaiwhakahaere

Thank you Grendon for commissioning my company Contact Training Systems to provide specialised security training within your level 4 and level 5 security training programmes. Also for employong my services as one of your advisors and subject matter experts in the development of the mandatory COA license. I look forward to working with you again in the future.

Quinton Swanson - Director

Contact Training Systems Limited

Virtual Kaiwhakahaere

On behalf of our division, I extend our appreciation to you Grendon and your team for assisting us with the development of a range of qualifications in Traditional Chinese Medicine for the New Zealand market. Your industry sector knowledge and specialised academic frameworks, allowed us to meet all of our primary objectives in a much quicker time than we anticipated.

Ferdi Lutter - Lead Evaluator

New Zealand Qualifications Authority

Virtual Kaiwhakahaere

Grendon it has been an enjoyable journey working with you over the past twelve months recruiting many of your graduates directly into our vacant positions in the construction, warehousing, and transport sectors. The strategy we set up together has been an overwhelming success with our participating employers, so thank you again for presenting us only quality candidates.

Cliff Barrett - National Development Manager

Drake International

Virtual Kaiwhakahaere

Thank you Grendon for helping Unite Union set up and deliver mandatory security certification, and ongoing training leading to higher qualifications for our security union members, and for doing this in such a flexible way, so they could undertake the training in a combination of work and personal time.

 Matt McCarten - National Director

Unite Union